Profile for turtle

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About turtle


en (native), no (B1), sv (B1), la (A2), and more
seven teen
normalt konto


Leve Palestina! đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž

sunniva, nÄ med internettilgang!
musikk, sprÄk, irl, gejming, og mer!
rasister blir slÄtt med en murstein.
ung, ufÞr, og bor pÄ skilpaddeÞyen :(
the posts are in norwegian usually.
read our pinned before you try and follow us!

:elimineraBilar: :heartAgender: :heartAro: :heartTrans: :heartDisabled:


padde/turtle/appelsinne/sunniva (hen/det, it/they) (admin)
usually fronts. calm and collected and enjoys silly fun

gabi (hun, she/they)
rarely ever fronts, mostly irl

Avatarbildet er en skjermdump fra TV-serien «I Mummidalen», toppbildet er en av vÄre egne bilder.


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Hey, we're some turtles on the web!

Before you follow, please interact with us and DM us: when you do, tell us which languages you speak (no monolinguals please)! We post about a lot of things, including my disabilities and mental health issues, so if you're not interested in that we won't get along.

No racists or bigots of any kind (and we are extremely strict about this). No replyguying or bootlicking either. We're socially anxious and will likely never send a follow request, so tell us if you want to be friends. Please don't follow request us from alts, if at all possible keep us on your personal alt if you have alts.

If we're being racist or any other form of bigoted, call us out on it. We're also some sort of radical, although our disabilites don't allow us to go out into the community for protests.

To keep this post cleaner, our updated boundaries are in a reply as well, so please check that.

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Recent posts

here's to

all the mothers with ME with children who don't care
all the children with ME whose parents don't care
all the children with ME whose mothers have ME
all the people in the world with ME

i love you all and if you're not getting the proper care, I weep for you and hope that someday you'll get the care and love you deserve.


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do you have long covid or ME/CFS or do you experience the symptoms of them? (boost for reach, please!)

Poll closed , 35 votes total
  • Option 1, yes
    31.43% , 11 votes
  • Option 2, no
    68.57% , 24 votes
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Hey, we're some turtles on the web!

Before you follow, please interact with us and DM us: when you do, tell us which languages you speak (no monolinguals please)! We post about a lot of things, including my disabilities and mental health issues, so if you're not interested in that we won't get along.

No racists or bigots of any kind (and we are extremely strict about this). No replyguying or bootlicking either. We're socially anxious and will likely never send a follow request, so tell us if you want to be friends. Please don't follow request us from alts, if at all possible keep us on your personal alt if you have alts.

If we're being racist or any other form of bigoted, call us out on it. We're also some sort of radical, although our disabilites don't allow us to go out into the community for protests.

To keep this post cleaner, our updated boundaries are in a reply as well, so please check that.

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Black people trying to not be harassed every single fucking second of their life:
White people: This insults me and my nonbinary heritage and it endangers us all and they are simply not talking to us innocent people and what did we do and they're shitty and I hate them and I take this as a personal insult and this is homophobia and—

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