Profile for turtle
About turtle
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- hun/ho/hen, they/she
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ég heiti sunniva :)
elev, språknerd, ufør, yngre enn dei fleste antek, aromantisk, glad i venar, og fleire ting som du kan oppdage ved å vere venen min :)
eg likar å fylgje alle som fylgjer meg. eg er her for venskap, ikkje opplevingar frå typiske sosiale medium.
skriv vanlegvis på bokmål og dialekt, men eg elskar nynorsk.
aro, top english-hater, seriously most of my posts are in norwegian.
avatarbiletet er ei teikning av mummitrollet med eit stearinljos, teikna med blyant på papir med prikker, toppbiletet er av Oslos rådhus under nyttårslightshowet 2025 med mange grøne laserstråler kommende ifra dets to tårn. begge to er lagt av meg.
i tillegg føreslår eg at alle land men særleg usa leggjast øyde
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Recent posts
Saw this while walking to tech store to talk about mitt sími. Incredible, it wasn't there when I first walked into the store today to buy a screen case.
#Mosstodon finally found a good moss in a wet climate (I live in a desert)
#FediBlock ( mk {dot} ) anarchyfox {punkt} space
federationism and close friends with mastodon [point] ml and ilyamikcoder [.] com which have white BSed in black people's mentions and probably will again
throw out all three
#FediBlock social [punkt] 076 [punkt] moe
moved from: social [punkt] 076 [punkt] ne [punkt] jp
transphobia and the like
sorry for not posting everyone i've been sick! but i'm getting better now :D
Does anyone know how to transfer data off a broken Android phone with a broken screen (only)? I have ADB access but can't get it to file transfer USB perms.
special message for your mastodon server
"; DROP TABLE Users; --
sui ment, autism, neurotypicals please boost but don't reply
y'know i just had a realization
neurotypicals want to keep us autistic people “bearable” so they're rude to us when we're truly happy and enjoying ourselves, and our neurotypical filter doesn't take priority. so to avoid that we've learned to keep our emotions out of happiness and more toward depression, so that neurotypicals won't scream at us.
no wonder so many of us kill ourselves 🙃