Profile for turtle
About turtle
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- hun/ho/hen, they/she
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ég heiti sunniva :)
elev, språknerd, ufør, yngre enn dei fleste antek, aromantisk, glad i venar, og fleire ting som du kan oppdage ved å vere venen min :)
eg likar å fylgje alle som fylgjer meg. eg er her for venskap, ikkje opplevingar frå typiske sosiale medium.
skriv vanlegvis på bokmål og dialekt, men eg elskar nynorsk.
aro, top english-hater, seriously most of my posts are in norwegian.
avatarbiletet er ei teikning av mummitrollet med eit stearinljos, teikna med blyant på papir med prikker, toppbiletet er av Oslos rådhus under nyttårslightshowet 2025 med mange grøne laserstråler kommende ifra dets to tårn. begge to er lagt av meg.
i tillegg føreslår eg at alle land men særleg usa leggjast øyde
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long FediBlock
#FediBlock for extremely intentional harrasment. This instance appears queer but the admin has sent many death threats to many people and is just outright rude. Fuck away with that.
This has happened many times before to many people, and it nearly happened to me. Block this instance for your own safety.
#FediBlock (social.)
Instance created by an admin of Disqordia and has exact same tendencies as Disqordia
Harassment and spam
Rules against posting in other languages
(see ToS of for reciepts)
Gun reform NOW
alloromantics can boost and favorite but not reply
Let's see how long until an allo appears in my mentions
anyway i am sensing more and more allo bullshit in this place so please, alloromantics, don't
i have enough allo bullshit to deal with in real life i don't want to have to deal with that here
(I have a feeling it's because of the New Fedi®™)