Profile for turtle
About turtle
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- flytande no/en, forstår sv/da/de/is/nl (frå best til verst)
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- hun/ho/hen, they/she
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ég heiti sunniva :)
elev, språknerd, ufør, yngre enn dei fleste antek, aromantisk, glad i venar, og fleire ting som du kan oppdage ved å vere venen min :)
eg likar å fylgje alle som fylgjer meg. eg er her for venskap, ikkje opplevingar frå typiske sosiale medium.
skriv vanlegvis på bokmål og dialekt, men eg elskar nynorsk.
aro, top english-hater, seriously most of my posts are in norwegian.
avatarbiletet er ei teikning av mummitrollet med eit stearinljos, teikna med blyant på papir med prikker, toppbiletet er av Oslos rådhus under nyttårslightshowet 2025 med mange grøne laserstråler kommende ifra dets to tårn. begge to er lagt av meg.
i tillegg føreslår eg at alle land men særleg usa leggjast øyde
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i really can't emphasize this enough, but I love to recieve matrix messages, if you want to talk to me for any reason ever please send me a matrix message! even if we don't know each other!
psa to fellow gentiles
hello fellow gentiles! this year the night that Rosh Hashanah starts is Sep 14, and it ends on the evening of Sep 17. the night that Yom Kippur starts is Sep 23, and it ends on the evening of Sep 25. please do not plan events during this time as it's incredibly disrespectful to all Jewish people. it's like if someone made you go to a work event on Dec 25 as a Christian. so please take the time to not plan any events on any of these days!
#FediBlock for hosting account @PolizeiBerlin (I can't make this up)
corp web
Why is it so fucking bad
Uh oh, some of your ports are open directly. Please, don't keep all your ports open! I only have a few open!
tuba när jag kan inte tuta två gånger
hello, i am suspending effective july 7th due to undermoderation. please keep this in mind and move quickly if you reside there.
i made a little userscript that allows you to quickly open the GtS admin panel for a selected domain in the right click menu. you can get it at[CLIENT]&instance=[INSTANCE]
. replace [CLIENT] with your client URL and [INSTANCE] with your (non-webfingered) instance URL. also make sure to set your sandbox mode to "JavaScript + DOM" in tampermonkey settings, and then it should work like a charm. now it's much easier to suspend domains! (plus it processes many dot replacers, like example dot org, exampleDOTorg, example . org, and more!)