Profilen til turtle

Header for turtle: Mummitrollet med en fiskestang, han stirrer på noe til den høyre siden av kameraet.
sunniva blæs bort

Om turtle


flytande no/en, bra sv/da, åkei de, litt is/nl, nokre få til
hun/ho/hen, they/she
niineniiniicie (bandaríkin)


ég heiti sunniva :)

elev, språknerd, ufør, yngre enn dei fleste antek, aromantisk, glad i venar, og fleire ting som du kan oppdage ved å vere venen min :)

eg likar å følgje alle som følgjer meg. eg er her for venskap, ikkje opplevingar frå typiske sosiale medium.

skriv vanlegvis på bokmål og dialekt, men eg elskar nynorsk.

aro, top english-hater, seriously most of my posts are in norwegian.

avatarbiletet er ein skjermdump av mummitrollet frå serien «i mummidalen», toppbiletet er av ei gulnande fjellside på ein regnfull dag og er eitt av mine eigne bilete.

i tillegg føreslår eg at alle land men særleg usa leggjast øyde


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we should make it so that if you sign up for a service and someone else uses your password, it shows you who so you can be aware and change your password as so to have a completely unique password

Open thread at this post

feeling horrible because I got scammed out of my last money on my bank account. I don't have money for food today. My paycheck comes in next week. Goal: 15 USD

cashapp: $turtlecomputer
DM for Zelle

Open thread at this post
How to order an ESim for Gaza Toggle visibility
  1. Go to this site
  2. Order an ESim for Israel (will provide service in Gaza)
  3. Wait for it to be confirmed, then go to setup instructions.
  4. Find the installation QR code, share it, and send it to
  5. Hopefully all done, but check for updates here (instagram) or in the replies of this tumblr post. Also check for replies here, since GtS cannot edit statuses yet, so I will add updates in the replies to this!
Open thread at this post

hey y'all, one of my friends needs some help

"I need $60 for forearm crutches because I have severe pain in both my legs and poor balance that causes me to injure myself when walking. I'm using a cane right now but I have to alternate it back and forth so I'm not putting more pressure on one leg than the other, and it's exhausting to do especially with how heavy canes are compared to forearm crutches. I'd greatly appreciate if anyone could help me out. I'll try to pay back anyone who gives, even if it takes a while. Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you to anyone who shares."

please send the money to my cashapp $turtlecomputer, I'm forwarding the money to them



Open thread at this post