Thread of 3 posts

we should make it so that if you sign up for a service and someone else uses your password, it shows you who so you can be aware and change your password as so to have a completely unique password

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Long, codeblock Toggle visibility

here's the blueprint code for it

using Gtk 4.0;
using Adw 1;

Adw.ApplicationWindow {
  height-request: 360;
  width-request: 360;
  default-height: 500;
  default-width: 360;
  title: "Skapa ett konto";

  content: Adw.ToolbarView {
    Adw.HeaderBar {
      show-title: false;
    content: ScrolledWindow {
      Adw.Clamp {
        margin-top: 12;
        margin-bottom: 12;
        margin-start: 12;
        margin-end: 12;
        Box {
          orientation: vertical;
          hexpand: true;
          spacing: 12;
          Label {
            label: "Skapa Ett Konto";
            margin-bottom: 36;
            styles [
          Adw.PreferencesGroup {
            Adw.EntryRow {
              title: "Namn";
              text: "Glad Skøldis!";
            Adw.EntryRow {
              title: "Användarnamn";
              text: "gladpadda";
              Image {
                margin-end: 9;
                margin-start: 6;
                icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
                styles [
            Adw.EntryRow {
              title: "E-post";
              text: "";
              Image {
                margin-end: 9;
                margin-start: 6;
                icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
                styles [
            Adw.PasswordEntryRow {
              title: "Lösenord";
              text: "amougussus38";
              styles [ 
            Adw.PasswordEntryRow {
              title: "Repetera lösenord";
              text: "amougussus38";
              Image {
                margin-end: 9;
                margin-start: 6;
                icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
                styles [
          Label {
            label: "Ditt lösenord används redan av ledsenpadda. Var god välja ett annat lösenord.";
            wrap: true;
            styles [
          Button {
            label: "Skapa Konto";
            sensitive: false;
            hexpand: false;
            halign: center;
            styles [
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