Profile for turtle
About turtle
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- flytande no/en, forstår sv/da/de/is/nl (frå best til verst)
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- hun/ho/hen, they/she
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ég heiti sunniva :)
elev, språknerd, ufør, yngre enn dei fleste antek, aromantisk, glad i venar, og fleire ting som du kan oppdage ved å vere venen min :)
eg likar å fylgje alle som fylgjer meg. eg er her for venskap, ikkje opplevingar frå typiske sosiale medium.
skriv vanlegvis på bokmål og dialekt, men eg elskar nynorsk.
aro, top english-hater, seriously most of my posts are in norwegian.
avatarbiletet er ei teikning av mummitrollet med eit stearinljos, teikna med blyant på papir med prikker, toppbiletet er av Oslos rådhus under nyttårslightshowet 2025 med mange grøne laserstråler kommende ifra dets to tårn. begge to er lagt av meg.
i tillegg føreslår eg at alle land men særleg usa leggjast øyde
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Recent posts
hello, i am suspending effective july 7th due to undermoderation. please keep this in mind and move quickly if you reside there.
i made a little userscript that allows you to quickly open the GtS admin panel for a selected domain in the right click menu. you can get it at[CLIENT]&instance=[INSTANCE]
. replace [CLIENT] with your client URL and [INSTANCE] with your (non-webfingered) instance URL. also make sure to set your sandbox mode to "JavaScript + DOM" in tampermonkey settings, and then it should work like a charm. now it's much easier to suspend domains! (plus it processes many dot replacers, like example dot org, exampleDOTorg, example . org, and more!)
somebody flushed me down the got damn toilet #CVQDC
my art, cartoon ec, aro visibility day
The Aromantic Core wishes you a very joyous first Aromantic Visibility Day on behalf of the entire Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center.
what's a good server for a complete newcomer to the fediverse? hopefully one with reviewreg and not invite only but inviteonly is fine too if you get a link.
Here's a turtleful reminder to back up all your data right now
psa, tlds
hello! please add this to your uBO list right now
google released these as tlds and they are currently being used for scamming. if you use another adblocker you can leave instructions for that in the replies
Germans are just Like That